Saturday, March 1, 2014

Start Your Own Financial Recovery!!

With all this talk today, about Recovery, the new buzz word I guess, you would think that the whole world is in a mess. I don't see it that way. The world is as it always has been. In constant change and the global warming thing? Who really believes that after this winter. So, where do you stand or should I say, where would you like to stand?? On your own 2 feet or waiting for someone else to bail you out, like the government. "Come on Man", do it yourself!!   
 The opportunities abound and The American Dream is still alive and well it's just changing. Just change your THINKING, Train your Brain For Success!!  And get out of that 45 Year Plan and work your to the top with the 5% that get it done. Let others work for your success. leverage your time and your future. The choice is yours.
Where do you want to be??

C U @ The Top

Start The Recovery Today!!: Start Your Own Financial Recovery!!

Start The Recovery Today!!: Start Your Own Financial Recovery!!: With all this talk today, about Recovery, the new buzz word I guess, you would think that the whole world is in a mess. I don't see it t...

Saturday, February 22, 2014

I HATE Change!!: The Fear of Change

I HATE Change!!: The Fear of Change: Over the past few days I have been talking with my step son on an opportunity that has popped up for him and his concerns or worries about ...

The Fear of Change

Over the past few days I have been talking with my step son on an opportunity that has popped up for him and his concerns or worries about his future, and to not just "settle" for his present situation and our conversation got me thinking a lot about fear—and, in particular, overcoming it. While I'm not a one who ever thought about it, I did not embrace it, not that I was jumping out of airplanes or diving into shark-infested waters, I've battled with my own fears in life, particularly the fear of change. There have been turning points in my life when I knew I needed to make a change in order to make my life better, but I was scared. For the purposes of this conversation let's define change as "a modification to a person's environment, situation, or physical/mental condition that results in circumstances that challenge their existing paradigms." What our definition implies is that humans have a tendency to define how their world is supposed to work. Whenever something happens in our personal world or to our own being that is inconsistent with the way we feel the world should be, we encounter change.
Looking back now, I'd stay where I was, doing what I'd done, paralyzed by the fear that I wouldn't be able to initiate (or stick with) the change I knew needed to take place. So for years I "settled" and didn't even realize it. Until I had no choice and I was unceremoniously dismissed from a JOB of 20 years. It took awhile for me to realize that the whole time, I was really just "Comfortably Miserable" for 20 years.
Change that just happens to you can be scary—but it's often out of your control completely so there's little or no build up to it (and if there is, it's often something you can do nothing about and you have no choice but to face your fear). But when it comes to change that you initiate—such as seeking out a new job, leaving your partner, or choosing to move to a new country—fear is a much bigger part of the equation. Since the choice is within your control, you can put an end to it and stop your fear (even if that means staying put and staying unhappy).
So what we all need, as I did have in place, is a BACK UP PLAN, something that you devote a few hours a week, a proven business plan, and a successful organization and a great team. As we like to say "Team Work, makes The dream Work"!!

Friday, February 21, 2014

The 6 Figure Earner

I have been very fortunate in one sense, in that being open to new ideas and perspectives never really "scared"me. Which in turn lead me to my first Business Presentation about Market America.  I was totally baffled by such a new Business Model, something I could not get my hands on at first but I did as ask questions and it made sense. I saw there my ability to be a 6 Figure Earner!!
I also became aware that the more we helped people the more successful we became, how nice is that!! Now we own a piece of the Internet with a $hopping Annuity for you!! and are in a position to help any and all, that are "open to new idea's" and in reality willing to do the work to put yourself in the Top 5%.
It's always about our own personal choice of effort applied - results produced!! How much effort are you willing to put in to make that 6 figure income?? Or is the Status Quo, comfortably miserable, okay with you. Your choice.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Living @ The Top!!

Hey all, just talking "out loud' here, I guess that's what Blogging is, just going on an Internet rant!! Get it all out so to speak. You know what? WE CAN DO THAT!! Life can be frustrating, tough, challenging and can't we all just go on and on? But enough of that, today It's about being happy, positive and sharing the good things, isn't that much better than sharing bad things, correct?? Or are you one of those that enjoy misery? Well misery does enjoy company, but it's not going to come from here. So if you enjoy being miserable, TAKE A HIKE!! I'm going in a positive direction with positive people in a way that is making all of us on THAT journey successful. That's what "Living @ The Top" means for me.
The Baby Boomers have scene so many wonderful and rewarding events and inventions from the last Civil War veteran, a man on the moon and of course the World Wide Web, Internet technology has changed the world but it has also created the NEXT AMERICAN DREAM!! And were do you want to be on the ride, miserable or happy??
Yes, not a Dream but a reality and new technology has provided that, one of the many ways is having the ability to work from home, not the luxury, but the ability. That was my choice just a few short years ago and the key, as I see it now. 
Where do you want to be? In a miserable position or a HAPPY Positive position??  The choice is yours.

Monday, February 10, 2014

The Future Starts Today!!

What is leverage in today's very fast moving and sometimes volatile marketplace? Oxford defines it as:
A) The exertion of force by means of a lever or an object used in the manner of a lever 
B) The power to influence a person or situation to achieve a particular outcome
C) Finance the ratio of a company’s loan capital (debt) to the value of its common stock (equity).2.1the use of credit or borrowed capital to increase the earning potential of stock.
D) Use (something) to maximum advantage

Now it makes sense to all of us I'm sure, to use as little as possible to achieve what it is we want, correct?? I want to focus on C) and D) so let's look at it in a way to effect a greater cash flow coming to us in other words, maximize earning using minimal financial exertion. Now that's something that we can all understand. When I first heard that many years ago I felt that it was "language" for bankers, investment people etc. and it didn't concern me because very simply, I was on the "45 year plan" that my father talked about. Work 45 years and retire and live comfortably from there on. My father was an immigrant whom came to this country in 1949 on an 8 day voyage in a cattle boat,  imagine that in today's environment, and to his credit, made a success of the American Dream in his terms. To this day my wish is to be half as good as that man and I will consider my life a success. He will always be my ultimate roll model.  
But things have changed, people no longer immigrate in "cattle boats" and the "American Dream" has changed. It's now alive and growing in other area's like technology and the Internet .
Very honestly, where do you want to be to "LEVERAGE" that advantage and position yourself to be at the forefront of THE NEW AMERICAN DREAM!! Young, Gen Y, X or Baby Boomer like myself, it is still possible here. 


Saturday, January 25, 2014

Making adjustments

Success is never achieved in a straight line. Although it’s great to carefully put together workable, realistic plans, life doesn’t always go according to plan.
Yet even when conditions change quickly and dramatically, success is still possible. To succeed in such a world as this, you must be willing to constantly adapt.
When something fails to go the way you planned, it’s not the end of the world. In fact, things could eventually turn out to be even better than you planned.
Regardless of what happens or fails to happen, you can choose to successfully work it into your path forward. Instead of making judgments about what you cannot control, make adjustments in those things you can control.

It might be nice if everything were to play out according to your plan, but the thing is, it won’t. There will most certainly be surprises, so you might as well find a way to make positive use of them.

Don’t give up on your goals or dreams just because things change. Adapt, make adjustments, and make every turn of events move you forward.